Dentures in palm harbor
As a comprehensive dentist in Palm Harbor, we perform all forms of tooth replacement including dentures.
Dentures, both full dentures and partial dentures, are traditional forms of tooth replacement and are removable. Non-removable tooth replacement options, such as dental implants are, in many cases, an alternative to dentures and may merit discussion with your dentist.
Regardless of the form, replacement teeth provide many benefits including improved appearance, speech and ability to chew food.
A full denture (complete denture) is used to replace all of the teeth in a single arch or jaw (upper jaw – maxillary arch) or (lower jaw – mandibular arch). Partial dentures are used when a patient is missing some, rather than all teeth in a single arch. Where full dentures rest on the gums and are secured by either adhesive or in some instances dental implants, partial dentures, which are also removable, can be held in place by a crown, implants or adjacent teeth.
Both procedures, full dentures and partials, require multiple appointments, usually twenty to thirty minutes each, and take approximately two to six weeks for completion.
replacement of missing teeth
It is important that you as the patient, have a basic understanding of the dental treatment options available to you from your dentist. To aid you in this area the chart below outlines the fundamental choices you and your dentist are likely to discuss, the preferred treatment being determined by individual diagnosis and the patient’s particular circumstances.
Removable Dentures
Require Teeth to Secure in Place
Crowns Can Be Used to Secure a Partial Denture
Dental Implants Are Also Used to Secure a Partial Denture
Full Dentures
Sit on Gums
Held in place by Adhesive
Dental Implants Can Be Used To Secure A Full Denture
Tooth Supported
Requires Adequate Teeth Adjacent To Missing Teeth
Implant Supported
Replaces One or Multiple Missing Teeth
ORCan Be Used to Replace Removable Teeth