emergency dentist palm harbor
Coral Reef Dental is the Palm Harbor Emergency Dentistry
As a family dentistry, specializing in emergency dental care, we understand that there are lots of reasons that a person might require immediate dental care, and we are open to help those in need. Dental emergencies are some of the worst possible: the pain is directly in the patient’s mouth and often is sensitive to hot, cold, or both as well as pressure. Even elevation can cause problems. That makes it difficult for the person suffering immediate dental pain to eat because of throbbing discomfort and unable to rest peacefully.
With that in mind, Coral Reef Dental is the Palm Harbor Emergency Dentistry of choice. Whenever possible, we will meet patients in need at the office to resolve the pain and discomfort that they are in. Usually sudden onset of dental pain is a sign of an exposed dental nerve, however, there are lots of other problems that might arise that require immediate dental services, including a broken tooth or lost tooth, difficulty biting or chewing, or even gum diseases, such as spongy and excessively bleeding gums.
Are you experiencing a
dental emergency?
In a dental emergency, we are very concerned about the welfare and the condition of our patients, and work together with them to alleviate their pain and get them back on their feet, out of our office. We are able to prescribe needed medicines for any situation including sedatives for the truly anxious – sedatives are part of sedation dentistry, antibiotics, and when necessary painkillers. While the patient is in the office of Coral Reef Dental we have the full range and skill of our practice before us, allowing us to fill cavities, perform extractions and tooth removals, fix caps and crowns, as well as perform emergency root canals.
When not engaged in emergency dentistry, Coral Reef Dental maintains regular office hours and works with patients and clientele to ensure the best overall dental and oral health and hygiene. We know that nearly all dental emergencies can be avoided through proper daily care and maintenance of teeth, and we work together with patients to help them realize their goals of perfect, cavity free teeth and beautiful white smiles.